The Music and Entertainment Hackathon(Hackment) is a 24 hours mini hackathon bringing together software developers to collaborate and have fun while building different applications addressing different problems in the music and entertainment industry .
Participants check-in.
Speeches & Introduction fro the hosts and sponsors
Hacking all the way!!.
Re-energize with some snacks
Simple Challenge just for fun.
Hack On !!!
Arrange the rubix cube as a team.
End of day 1.
Day 2 begins.
Hack Finalizing
Presentation of projects done.
Judges decide on the winners and the final vote of thanks speech
Wasn't this fun though?
We want to create an environment that embraces new ideas and technology solutions to different problems. A place where technology designers and developers can come to help the industry, and a safe zone for teams to geek out without having to worry about failure or affecting a company’s bottom line. We know it takes longer than a weekend to build great solutions, but this is ample time to form teams of good people and begin creating great solutions.
1.Tech Developers – We need tech ninjas, makers, game programmers, and rebels that code. Come to hack the music & Entertainment industry all in the name of doing something crazy and fantastic and helpful.
2.UI/UX Designers – We need people like you to make everything look beautiful, work intuitively, and create a stellar user experience. Great applications require great design.
3.Tech enthusiasts-Come join a group and learn from what the group is doing
A hackathon is a day-long invention marathon. Participants work in teams to create awesome projects from scratch, learn new skills and have some fun along the way
Only projects started at the hackathon will be eligible for prizes, as it would be unfair otherwise.One of the creteria used to determine the winning team will be originality.
You can hack with however many people you like! However, only teams of 4 or fewer are eligible to win prizes..
This is a very hands-on and grassroots event. Bring your laptops,mobile phones & all your computing devices, to whatever inspires you but above all, your energy and your brain!
The team that develops the project is the owner of the project and IP. We do encourage sharing of code with others in the community or making code open source but it is not required to participate in the event.
We do encourage participants to start forming teams before the event. If you would like to start a team or are looking for a team to join our slack community. You can also propose or join a team on the event date.
In preparation for the mini hackathon,Participants are advised to create accounts and familiarize themselves with the listed API providers as it is a requirement for every application developed to consume either of the API,S
Africastalking-Register for an account Here
Africastalking-Video Tutorials on how to use the Africastalking API,S can be downloaded from Here
Cloudinery-Register for a cloudinery account Here
Cloudinery-You can familiarize yourself on how you will manage your assets (Images,Videos,Files,Music....)Here
Free private repositories from Github and lots of github stickers available too
Free Dot-tech domain names & stickers .
Free hosting credit and stickers from Digital Ocean.
Lots of shwag from cloudinary.